Bug found in ps.select

Angus Carr apcarr at flash.Lakeheadu.Ca
Thu Jun 5 13:33:22 EDT 1997

I would post a notice to the user's list and put in a patched 
ps.select tar file. If you were in the mood you could also post a 
binary for your platforms.

At the very least, post the users list about the bug. It might fix 
the problems many people have.

Thank you for finding a bug...
Angus Carr.

> From:          "Justin Hickey" <jhickey at impact1.hpcc.nectec.or.th>
> I don't know if this helps anybody or not, just thought I would put
> this to the list in case other people were using the ps.select
> command. My only question is whether I should post some sort of
> notice to the user's list, or should I post the file to moon
> incoming and then notify the usr's list?

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