Text Messages in Solaris 2.5.1

Bruce Nielsen bruce.nielsen at in.nrcs.usda.gov
Fri Jun 20 15:59:19 EDT 1997

I have a Sparc20 running the precompiled GRASS 4.1.5 under Solaris
2.5.1.  We recently noticed that text messages that usually appear when
running commands like d.where, d.what.rast, d.zoom, etc. no longer show
up in the text window.

I don't know what was being done immediately before this was noticed
(it's at another site) other than there was a problem with a monitor
GRASS thought was open but wasn't.  Rebooting solved that.  I visited
the site yesterday and reproduced the problem using both the xterm and

Any ideas/solutions?

Bruce Nielsen                bruce.nielsen at in.nrcs.usda.gov
GIS Specialist
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service
6013 Lakeside Blvd.          VOICE (317) 290-3200 ext. 349
Indianapolis, IN 46278       FAX   (317) 290-3225

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