s.surf.idw - interpolation technique

Martin Ameskamp ma at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Thu Jun 26 09:13:01 EDT 1997

> Hello,
> Please can someone tell me the references/papers where I can get more
> details and descriptions on the numerical approximation (weighted
> averaging) interpolation techniques that is used in the command s.surf.idw
> - surface generation from sites data program. This command was written by
> Michael Shapiro of the USACERL.
	Try the following:

  author = {Gordon, W.J. and Wixom, J.A.},
  title = {Shepard's Method of ``{M}etric {I}nterpolation'' to Bivariate
    and  Multivariate Interpolation},
  journal = {Mathematics of Computation},
  year = 1978,
  volume = 32,
  number = 141,
  pages = {253--264}

	The original author of the method (idw for inverse distance weighting)
	seems to be Shepard, but I'm afraid I haven't got an original
	reference. I also haven't got the above paper handy, but I believe
	it should provide some more details, besides extending the method.

Dr. Martin Ameskamp, Inst. f. Informatik I (Computing Dept.)
Kiel University, Olshausenstr. 40, 24118 Kiel, Germany
Fax: ++49 431 8804054, Voice: ++49 431 8804474, 
ma at informatik.uni-kiel.de, URL http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~ma/

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