s.surf.tps on Linux

Frank Lederer Lederer at em.uni-frankfurt.d400.de
Thu Mar 13 13:21:54 EST 1997

Dear grass-users,

I am running Grass 4.15 (Kang's binary) on a Linux 2.0 version. Building up
a DEM from Arc/Info-data (contour-lines), I used r.surf.contour and
s.surf.idw. This works, but I'm not satisfied by the quality of the results.

So I tried s.surf.tps and I got the message:

 warning: there are pionts outside of region - will ignore
 warning: strip exists with insufficient data
 warning: there are points outside specified region - ignored n (nearly all)
 error: zero points in the given region

- Input data format: 4434015 5628645 #44000
- there are any #0 values
- the region is set to default

Does anyone know about this problem?

Frank Lederer    phone: 069/ 4960545
Sandweg 64                  
60316 Frankfurt/Main

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