Arc Info Grids to GRASS

ish at ish at
Wed Mar 26 17:27:56 EST 1997

>Dear Friends,
>I would like to convert a grid (an Arc export file of a grid), to a
>GRASS raster file. 
>Can any of you provide me with the procedures (or reference to a file)
>to accomplish this.

I'm not sure about converting an export file, but you can export
a grid directly from Arc to GRASS with the GRIDIMAGE command.
I think you must write directly to a GRASS mapset from Arc.
The syntax is something like:

gridimage gridname colorfile $LOCATION:mapset:grassname GRASS

The syntax for specifying GRASS location and mapset with the colons
must be observed. You must also specify the GRID colorfile name if you
want it in GRASS. Good luck.

Ishmael Williams
US Army Corps of Engineers
Fort Worth District
email: ish at

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