grass questions

Sharon Mesick x7665 mesick at
Thu May 29 16:03:42 EDT 1997

I am a new GRASS user with a couple of questions that  may seem basic,
but I could use whatever suggestions may come to mind.

Here's my scenario:  I am reading a binary data file, outputting an
ASCII file which I use to create a site file.  The values in the file
are latitude, longitude and temperature (x,y,z).  Later in the process I
create a raster file from the site file.

Here are my questions:

1) Is there any way to color code the site data so that the color
displayed is related to a specific temperature range?

2) When converting site to raster, how does GRASS handle the data if
more than one site falls into a single cell?  Does it use first data
value, last data value or what?

3) In the site to raster conversion, is there a way to select a specific
value from the multiple sites that may be binned into one cell?  For
example, set the cell value to the highest site value within each cell

Any help would sure be appreciated.

Sharon Mesick
mesick at

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