[Q] About v.in.dxf

Angus Carr apcarr at FLASH.LakeheadU.CA
Thu Nov 20 03:18:42 EST 1997

There is a copy of v.in.dxf3d in the grass4.2 source code.
If you can't get, it, drop me a line at apcarr at flash.lakeheadu.ca and 
I'll post it to you.

Angus Carr

> Hello, Choi,
> 	If I do understand your mail you have a dxf file with some information
> like topographic contours, rivers & streams and things alike.
> 	I got a similar problem to import elevation information from dxf files
> because I had several digitised maps in Autocad R12 vector format that I
> exported to dxf to interchange information (as the name itself means...)
> With v.in.dxf I've only obtained the polylines and points of my original
> file with *no* elevation data attached - and this was not exactly what I
> wanted to generate a DEM.
> 	I found two solutions but I wish not as good as one may want.
> 	First: I tested a demo version of Grassland (its timelife span is a
> mere 30 days period) and its v.in.dxf3d works fine. But you must pay for
> this and, the worst, it runs under Win95...
> 	Second: I made a dirty & snail-pacer Matlab routine that reads the
> ascii dxf file and extracts a site list (easting, northing, elevation)
> of all polyline vertexes and points I got digtised. It's not an elegant
> solution but it works if you need only this site list.
> 	If this Matlab routine can make any job for you, I can mail it for you.
> 	But I think this can be better: do you have better programming skills
> than me in order we can write a tiny utility to do this job?
> 	Is there anybody here who can help? I'm not a programmer but it does
> not seem to be a very, very difficult task. At least, as starting point
> I made that simple Matlab routine and I think the dxf file format is not
> so difficult to read (to say the truth, it's quite verbose and explicit
> for one who wants to collect data from it).	
> 	Best regards,
> 	Adalberto da Silva
> 	Instituto Astronomico e Geofisico
> 	Universidade de Sao Paulo - Brasil
> 	adalbert at iag.usp.br
> Sung-Won Choi wrote:
> > 
> > Hi!
> > I have a dxf map in AutoCad...
> > And I'd like to import this map to Grass 4.1
> > But I don't know.
> > 
> > I need a vector file and a attribute file of that.
> > 
> > When I used a v.in.dxf, Vector file was imported but Attribute file wasn't.
> > 
> > Please Help me!
> > 
> > Thank you.
> --

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