
Nicola Fohrer Nicola.Fohrer at
Wed Oct 29 05:53:43 EST 1997

Hi Peter,

there is a list of public domain and commercial software for 
geostatistics on the net on:

there is also some free software offert by Utrecht University called 
gstat, which does also different types of kriging and can be combined 
with PC-Raster-GIS.  Most other 
software packages do only ordinary kriging. 

best wishes

> I am in urgent need of kriging software for a research study. 
> I have heard that there should be a GRASS-Module for kriging, but I haven t found it on the net. Does anybody know anything about it ?
> I would be glad to hear about this package and others wich are in the public domain.
> I have to mention that I know GEOEAS already - but I need to use more than 10 000 samples.
> Thanks Peter
> **************************************************	
> Peter Krause
> FZJ Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH - STE		
> D-52425 Juelich
> Tel:	++49-2461-616541
> Fax:	++49-2461-612540
> email:	pe.krause at
> ***************************************************

Dr. sc. agr. Nicola Fohrer
Wissenschaftliche Assistentin
Institut fuer Landeskultur
Senckenbergstr. 3
35 390 Giessen
Tel:0641/99 37385
Fax:0641/99 37389
email:Nicola.Fohrer at

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