installing AND running Linux GRASS

Steve Watts watts.67 at
Sat Apr 25 15:14:27 EDT 1998


I have unsuccessfully attempted to install and run the Linux version of
GRASS on a system with RedHat 5 Linux w/ XFree86.  The steps I took were:
(1) used gunzip to unzip the file grass421_bin5_tar.gz into /usr/grass; (2)
in usr/grass, tar -xvf grass42bin.tar.z; (3) changed all the default values
for GISBASE in grass4.2 and etc/monitorcap to /usr/grass; (4) mv grass4.2
/usr/local/bin and chmod 755 grass4.2.  That is all I have done. The
install instructions (which say they are for Solaris rather than Linux) say
that LD_LIBRARY_PATH should include /usr/openwin/lib.  However, openwin
does not exist on my system.

So I have 2 major questions:

(1) Does anybody have step-by-step instructions for installing and
configuring Linux GRASS on a Linux system, as opposed to trying to
interpret Solaris installation instructions?

(2) How do you actually RUN GRASS?  One of the major gripes I have with
Linux/Unix instruction manuals is that they explain how to install,
configure, and conduct specific operations, but I have never seen a manual
that explains how you actually run a program.  Often it's obvious, but in
the case of GRASS, I am unsure.  Do I type grass, grass4.1, xgrass, ...?



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