correcting elevations on digit. contours

Radoslav Bonk bonk at
Tue Aug 25 11:22:55 EDT 1998

Dear GRASS user, 

I would like to ask for an help or good idea on such a problem:
	I am working on a project of computing DEM from digitized
contours. It is together about 120 maps with contours and elevations /DXF
format; 1:50 000/. 
	And the problem is that some of contours have bad elevations. I would like
to check all maps to find a mistakes and afterthat cover a raster
DEM with contours to correct elevations in ArcView database. 
	And afterthis operation compute whole model. Even there is a
smaller DEM /1 map sheet/ in GRASS, not every mistakes were easy to see. 
	I would very appreciate any idea how to visualise
problem regions on map sheet in GRASS GIS?
Thank you at all

 Radoslav Bonk
 Comenius University,Faculty of Natural Sciences
 Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology
 Mlynska Dolina 842 15,Bratislava SLOVAKIA
 e-mail: bonk at
 PRIVAT: Svinia 221, 082 32; tel:+421/91/958 187

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