r.in.arctiff and r.out.arctiff updated again

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Sun Aug 30 16:53:14 EDT 1998

 Dear GRASS community,

 thanks to Leslie Apollon from LAS - hopefully the scripts are working
 correctly now! I have added n-s-resol. and e-w-resol. support and
 corrected the calculation of the boundaries both in

   - r.out.arctiff (which was already included in GRASS 4.2.1) and
   - r.in.arctiff
 If you still find errors, please let me know.
 Find these two GRASS scripts on my homepage:
  They will be added to forthcoming GRASS 4.2.1 update.

  Best regards
     Markus Neteler
 Geographisches Institut           |            Institute of Geography
    Physische Geographie                          Physical Geography 
  & Landschaftsoekologie                        & Landscape Ecology
 Universitaet Hannover                 University of Hannover, Germany
                      neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de

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