v.digit and snapping

Malcolm Williamson malcolm at cast.uark.edu
Wed Dec 23 10:15:05 EST 1998

Hi, Markus
Changing the snapping threshold _should_ help. Don't forget that you're 
working in "digitizer" inches - you'll need to multiply the threshold by 
your scale to get equivalent ground distance.

If this still isn't helping, use the "snap to line" command in the Edit menu.

You can also specify a snapping threshold in v.support, though this is a 
little risky. Save a backup copy before doing this, in case it snaps 
lines that you didn't intend to!!

Best holiday wishes,

On Wed, 23 Dec 1998, Markus Neteler wrote:

> Hi,
> usually I am working raster-oriented, so I have questions
> concerning snapping nodes in v.digit:
> When digitizing a polygon (with mouse digitizer), how to
> make the end nodes of a polygon to be snapped automatically?
> Changing the snapping distance didn't help (and using always
> the Edit menu is a ot of extra work). What did I miss? 
> I need the polygons to be closed.
> Markus

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