ArcView --> GRASS

Javier Ferrer Polo chjoph at
Mon Feb 23 05:23:02 EST 1998

> De: Sebastian Skracic <sskracic at>
> A: info-grass-user at
> Asunto: ArcView --> GRASS
> Fecha: jueves 19 de febrero de 1998 11:29
> We are looking for way to import ArcView shape files into GRASS
> format.
> Currently, GIS data is maintained solely through ArcView on Windows.  We
> want other users not equipped with ArcView to browse GIS data,
> preferrably
> through GRASS and some kind of user interface.  BTW, exporting to GIF
> and
> JPEG would also be fine since it can be viewed by WWW browsers.
>   Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
> Sebastian Skracic
> sskracic at

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