Cell count in category value

Javier Ferrer Polo chjoph at ctv.es
Mon Feb 23 05:26:50 EST 1998

De: Filippidis Vangelis <efilippi at for.auth.gr>
A: grassu-list at cecer.army.mil
Asunto: Cell count in category value
Fecha: lunes 16 de febrero de 1998 0:08

Hi GRASS community,

   I used the r.slope.aspect command to get a slope map
and i get with r.report the cell count for each category of 
However, i want to use the cell count with r.mapcalc.
Is there a way to assign the cell count for each category
of slope, in the category value of the slope map (not by hand!!!) 

Thank you in advance,
                            Filippidis Evangelos
                        Forester, Ph.D Candidate 
 Sector of Planning & Natural Resource Development
      Department of Forestry & Natural Environment
               School of Geotechnical Sciences
            Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki
                      e-mail : efilippi at for.auth.gr

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