Importing VPF / DCW data into GRASS

Luigi Fabbro webmaster at
Mon Jan 19 02:35:24 EST 1998

I need to import  Digital Chart of the World data into GRASS.

There doesn't seem to be a ready made way for doing it.

I have downloaded OGDI for Unix (www.las/ogdi). However I was not 
able to compile the given Solaris  sources into Linux and by the look of
it there will be needed quite a lot of work, first to compile the Libraries
and then to write an actual C program to import the data.

Perhaps I should try  the Tcl/Tk OGDI version, but also this seems not easy
and time consuming and I do not want to learn yet another language.

Another possibility could be to learn the  VPF inner workings, hack VPFVIEW
sources and write  a VPF2GRASS  C program.

All these possibilities are however time consuming and rather difficoult

Another possibility. easier but still time consuming, could be to obtain
raster images with VPFVIEW or VPF_IMP or Fusion and then import and process
these images into GRASS.

I shall be grateful for any help. Thank you


                  Luigi  Fabbro
                  San Polino
                  53024 MONTALCINO (SI)
                  e-mail          lfabbro at
                                      webmaster at
                  tel.               +39  577 835775
                  fax                +39 577 835775


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