GRASS-XMI and other Grass GUIs

Ping Jiang jiangp at
Mon Jan 26 14:17:23 EST 1998


I have been using GRASS4.1.3 for some time. I think it is a powerful GIS software, but before I installed the GRASS-XMI, a friendly GUI for GRASS, the sophisticated command lines gave me a big headache. I recommend to those users who don't like command lines to try to use the interface tool. You can download the software from GPZ's web site ( and complete the installation in five minutes ( All you need to do is just type the command, "installg" ).

A sample data set is automatically established after you finish installation. A tutorial is available using the comprehensive sample data set that includes almost all data types. Just go through the menus and press the help buttons for each command and you can quickly get familiar with the interface system. 

For example, you want to view three raster files with four vector overlays for each raster file.  Without GRASS-XMI, you would have to run
	d.rast 	three times, get file name list three times, then type 
		file name three times assuming no mistyping. (you may 
		have mistyped one of the file name and have to retype it).

	d.vect	minimal 3x4 times assuming the drawing color you select
		for each layer is satisfactory.  If not, you may have to 
		rerun the program to redraw an overlay.

With GRASS-XMI, you pop-up "Open File" dialogue, then select a file name from the scrolled list then click "OK".  Once a raster file is displayed, you change the "File Type" pulldown menu to "Vect", then click on the vector file to overlay then "OK".  ...   The whole process requires no keyboard entry.

If you know the command lines well, working with GRASS-XMI should be easier for you and save you much time. If you are a new user of GRASS, you can obtain even more benefits from GRASS-XMI.

After you become familiar with the system, you might remove the sample data set and start your own project at a new data set.

By the way, GPZ support people group always respond to you inquiry quickly and also helped you questions regarding GRASS. Good Luck !


Ping Jiang
GIS Lab Manager
Indiana State University
Remote Sensing and GIS Center
Department of Geography, Geology and Anthropology
Terre Haute, IN 47809

E-mail: JIANGP at 

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