digitizing two polygons

Sung-Won Choi swchoi at gis.geop.umanitoba.ca
Mon Jan 26 18:46:02 EST 1998


I have some questions!.

for example, I have two polygons having a common boundary,
so I'm gonna digitizing these in Autocad R13.
As far as I know, I should digitize the common boundary twice to make
two polygons.

Is it true?

if not, can I get two polygons by digitizing the common boudary just

Thank you in advance!
SungWon Choi                | email: chois at cc.umanitoba.ca
Dept. Geological Science    |
University Of Manitoba      |
Phone : 204-474-7343        |
FAX   : 204-474-7508        | Good Luck!

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