v.in.dxf problem

Filippidis Vangelis efilippi at for.auth.gr
Fri Jan 30 16:48:05 EST 1998

Hi GRASS community,

I have a problem using the v.in.dxf command.

If I call it I get the message:
Conversion of contour.dxf TO DIG FILE:    100%
and i can't find anywhere the converted file.

I'm using Slackware Linux 2.0.3 with Grass4.2.1 binaries
(version 4) from www.laum.uni-hannover.de/iln/grass/grass42/

Does anybody know what went wrong?

Thanks in advance

                            Filippidis Evangelos
                        Forester, Ph.D Candidate
Sector of Planning & Natural Resource Development
      Department of Forestry & Natural Environment
               School of Geotechnical Sciences
            Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki
                      e-mail : efilippi at for.auth.gr

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