grass prompt

Conn Copas conn.copas at
Mon Jul 13 01:56:58 EDT 1998

Francois Delclaux <francois.delclaux at> writes:

> I'm working with several mapsets in the same database, and sometimes
> I don't know what is the current mapset and the current search path.
> It's quite easy to set the prompt to the current mapset in the
> start up file, but after
> the prompt is always the same, even if I work in another mapset.
> A solution is to write a script wich modifies the prompt according to
> the
> current mapset and search path and to execute this script manualy.
> But I would like to have an automaticaly updated prompt .

Well I am looking at the Grass prompt, and it displays the current _mapset_, 
but not the current _search path_. The quickest way of displaying the search 
path is to define an alias for a new 'g.mapsets' command, and put it somewhere
appropriate like $GISRC.cshrc, eg: 

set prompt = "GRASS 4.2 > "
alias g.maps '$GISBASE/bin/g.mapsets mapset=\!*; echo "Mapset <${MAPSET}> in Location <${LOCATION_NAME}> with Search-Path <\!*>"'

Usage: g.maps mapset1[,mapset2...]

The slower solution is of course to hack the g.mapsets code.

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