Discussion on 4.2.1 update frequency

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Mon Jun 22 13:40:28 EDT 1998

> I am totally for option a (frequent updates) but would prefer patches
> instead of downloading full code. [...]
> I understand that there will be users preferring not to bother themselves
> with weekly updates but they can apply sets of patches at their
> connivance. [...]
> Alexandre Sorokine, GIS specialist
> Regional Science Institute         4-13 Kita-24 Nishi-2, Kita-ku
>                                           Sapporo 001-0024 JAPAN
> mailto:sorokin at vtt.co.jp                     Tel +81-11-717-6660
> http://www.vtt.co.jp/staff/sorokin           Fax +81-11-757-3610

... patches are there for GRASS 4.2.1 source code from V.14 onwards.
It would be possible to create also Linux binary updates (binary
patches). But this is even more work here (I am mainaining the 
server alone). Maybe someone else could do this update management
and send such packages to me for storing them onto the server?

   Markus Neteler

Geographisches Institut           |            Institute of Geography
   Physische Geographie                          Physical Geography 
 & Landschaftsoekologie                        & Landscape Ecology
Universitaet Hannover                 University of Hannover, Germany
                     neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de

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