v.in.atlas - missing man page

Dr. Reinhard Klenke rk.gnl at T-Online.de
Fri Jun 26 20:06:11 EDT 1998

Hi all,

is there any manpage for v.in.atlas/v.out.atlas available or does have
anyone experience with this module?

Thank you

Dr. Reinhard Klenke

+- G N L -----------------------------+
| Gesellschaft für Naturschutz und    |
| Landschaftsökologie e.V.            |
| Society for Nature Conservation and |
| Landscape Ecology                   |
| Dorfstr. 31,                        |
| D-17237 Kratzeburg                  |
| F.R.G.                              |
| phone:  ++49-39822-20 474           |
| fax:    ++49-39822-20 474           |
| email:  rk.gnl at t-online.de          |

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