I need a FAQ

Angus Carr apcarr at FLASH.LakeheadU.CA
Mon May 4 17:58:30 EDT 1998

Have a look at www.baylor.edu/~grass to see some future development, 
and http://www.laum.uni-hannover.de/iln/grass/grass42/ for existing 

Angus Carr.

> I've been out of the GRASS loop for a while and need an update. It looks
> like all the GRASS stuff on moon.cecer.army.mil is unchanged in the last
> several years. Does this mean that no development is taking place or
> does it mean that I'm looking in the wrong place. I think I need an
> update on overall changes in the last couple (perhaps several) years.
> -- 
> Donald R. Newcomb              * newcomb at navo.hpc.mil         
> Naval Oceanographic Office     * newcombd at navo.navy.mil
> Stennis Space Center, MS 39522 * Voice: (228) 688-5998
> FAX: (228) 688-5485            * DSN: 485-5998

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