Compiling GRASS 421 v. 16 on Linux/AXP

Minjiao Lu(+81-258-466000) lu at
Mon May 25 20:04:46 EDT 1998

On Mon, 25 May 1998, Stephan Eickschen wrote:

> Hi-
> I am trying to build the recent version of GRASS on our SGI. I did the
> download of the source code from "Markus' Place", incl. the head file.
> I had to do the following changes in the source code:
Hi, I tried to compile GRASS 4.2.1 v16 on my linux/axp machine running
under Stataboware 1.0(A Japanese linux package, extremely stable). By
changing following variable in head/linux

#COMPILE_FLAGS       = -O2 -m486

almost all modules got compiled except serveral src.alpha, src.contrib, modules. Another minor problem is the Version is still 

The modules I modified or gave up from original lists/GRASS are
	program cc1 got fatal signal 6 during compiling CASC2D.c.
	commented out from lists/GRASS
	program cc1 got fatal signal 6 during compiling plot.c
	commented out from lists/GRASS
	parse error at l.225 libtiff/machdep.h
	commented out from lists/GRASS
	change Gmakefile f77 --> $(FC)
	g77  -c direct_for.f
	direct_for.f: In program `MAIN__': direct_for.f:162: 
    	50      IF(SDIR(J,I2).LT.0)DIR(J)=LINK(SDIR(J,I2),ACTIVE(I),SDIR(J+1,I1),
	Reference to intrinsic `LINK' at (^) invalid -- one or more arguments 
            have incorrect type
        commented out from lists/GRASS

How about the compilation on Linux/x86?

* Minjiao Lu (Rick in Japanese)    *
* Hydro Atmos Interaction Lab(HAIL)*
* Dept. of Civil & Envir. Eng.     * 
* Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.           * 
* Tel & Fax:+81-258-47-9665        * 
* E-mail:lu at    * 
*  *

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