GIS and OS

David Mandel dmandel at
Thu Nov 5 16:57:57 EST 1998

On Thu, 5 Nov 1998, David Hine wrote:

> Jeremy
> The Tcl/Tk interface is available now from: 
>  ...

I use a setup very much like David Hines, only I use S.u.S.E. Linux
( instead of Red Hat and I use GRASS-XMI
( instead of TCL/TK Grass.  I run this on a dual
Pentium Pro 200 with 256 mb RAM, 10 gb disk, a Number Nine Imagine 128
card, and a ViewSonic 20 monitor.  It works real well.

David recommended using a virtual desktop, like fvwm2 or kde.  I also
recommend this.  I really prefer switching from one screen to another
instead of minimizing your windows all the time like one does in legacy
operating systems.

                                                  Dave Mandel

P.S.  Anyone tryed using the Enlightenment window manager with GRASS 
or other GIS applications.  I haven't yet, but I mean to.  Enlightenment
provides an eterm (their xterm) which can be transparent.  This would
allow you to see your GRASS commands in the foreground and your map
display in the background which might be kind of cool.

 David Mandel, Linux Activist               dmandel at
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