r.in.gif ? help converting gif into raster image?

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Sun Nov 8 05:38:58 EST 1998

> 	Basic question here about importing a giff 8 bit image into grass
> raster format.  Used xv to ensure image was required format, full color
> and 8 bit (87), then r.in.gif and having problem with r.support
> my image is N 450 W 0 S 0 E 307 and my 
> defaults are N 4928000 W 590000 S 4914000 E 609000 
> How do I adjust my image values to within the region so I can view this
> image ...
> Thanks for any help
> Andrew
Hi Andrew,

What are the problems with r.support?

You say
-enter the filename
-Edit header: y
    - Exit the rows/cols window with ESC
    - in the coordinates window copy/paste the
      boundary coordinates from DEFAULT region to
      CELL header (that's the header of your file)
 Should look like this: 
           ============================= DEFAULT REGION ========
           |          Default North:4928000                    |
           |                                                   |
           |           =======  CELL HEADER  =======           |
           |           | NORTH EDGE:4928000____    |           |
           |           |                           |           |
 Def. West |WEST EDGE  |                           |EAST EDGE  | Def. East
 590000    |590000_____|                           |609000_____| 609000
           |           | SOUTH EDGE:4914000____    |           |
           |           =============================           |
           |                                                   |
           |          Default South:4914000                    |
           PROJECTION: 1 (UTM)                        ZONE: 13

  But that is only valid, if your image's size is identical to
  your location's settings.
  Leave then with ESC.
  Accept this new header, if valid.

 - update stats with yes
 - edit categories only, if necessary
 - no for color table and history
r.support is finished.

Now start a GRASS monitor and display the image.

Good luck


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