r.covar / r.in.hdf

Bill Brown brown at cecer.army.mil
Fri Oct 2 10:48:27 EDT 1998


r.in.hdf was written to write the raster file with the SW corner
at 0,0 and a resolution of one, and then you have to change the cell
header file to put in the actual region, since there was no
standard way to describe geographic regions in HDF.  This created
a bug because it still tries to use the current projection,
in your case latlon, and so with 332 rows in the raster image
you get an error, because there is no such thing as a latitude of

Probably the best way to get around it is to create a new location
for your data which uses an x,y "projection" and import it there.
It doesn't really make sense to put a polar stereo projection in
the GRASS lat-long coordinate system, because GRASS wouldn't
use it correctly anyway.

good luck,


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