trouble starting monitors in grass5

Ben Horner-Johnson ben at
Wed Feb 10 13:05:43 EST 1999

> From: Trond Rafoss <trond.rafoss at>
> Subject: trouble starting monitors in grass5
> I got a problem with my new grass5 installation. When I try to start a
> monitor I get the message:
> " Sorry, permissions on </usr/local/grass/dev/fifo.1a> (644) should be
> 0666 Have GRASS administrator check etc/monitorcap file "
> I can't see what's wrong with my monitorcap file 
> Any suggestions ?
It looks like you need to change the permissions on the fifo.* files.
chmod 0666 fifo.1a 

(This is just a guess, the 4.2.1 monitorcap file didn't look like there
was anything about permissions in it.  The (644) means that everyone can
read fifo.1a, but only you can write it.  Grass wants to be able to write
to fifo.1a, and needs permissions 0666 (6 = read (4) + write (2)).)

Ben Horner-Johnson
ben at

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