postgreSQL installation error

Francisco Alonso alonsarp at
Thu Feb 18 12:57:22 EST 1999


I'm trying to install postgreSQL to work with GRASS. I have followed the
PostgresSQL installation guide (by Thomas Lockhart) but it reports som

Running: postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -Q template1
syntax error 2305: parse error
Running: postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -Q template1 <
ERROR: pg_atoi: error in "template1" can't parse "template1"

It seems an error in initdb shellscript, but I couldn't found it.
Can anybody help me?


Francisco Alonso Sarría
Area de Geografía Física
Universidad de Murcia
Campus de La Merced
E-30001 Murcia
Tel: (968) 364357

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