Linux --- PATH not set

Luis F. Franco luis.franco at
Wed Jan 20 06:08:21 EST 1999

Hi, Alan.

Hi had the same problem. The way I worked it out was going to and
adding to a line that does something like:

	if ($sh==csh | tcsh) 

I've changed it to 

	if ($sh==bash | csh | tcsh) 

It's where the script sets the PATH and the rest of the env.

Another problem I have which I was not able to work out is that when I
try to create a monitor I get a message saying I have no permission to
use the server! 
My solution up to now is to run another shell and disable the x access
control list:

	xhost +

Does anibody know what's happening?

I have SUSE 5.3 installed with the usual settings (bash, kdm,...)

Luís Franco
Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal
Av. Jose Malhoa, Lt. 12
1070 Lisboa 

Tel: +351 1 7211000
Fax: +351 1 7211006 

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Eugene Davis [mailto:adavis at]
Sent: Terça-feira, 19 de Janeiro de 1999 17:21
To: grassu-list at
Subject: Linux --- PATH not set

I have installed 4.2.1-v.20.  I got it to start up, got through messages
from gis_set.  What's happening, though, is that the paths in are
not set for the session.    I am using bash.

I have been able to set the path manually after grass starts up.

I haven't been able (yet) to figure out whether I should set up these
paths myself?  I suspect that for some reason the script is not
completely or normally finishing its work.

Can anyone make a suggestion?

Alan Davis

Alan E. Davis                       Marianas High School (Science
AAA196, Box 10001    adavis at
Saipan, MP  96950    15.16oN 145.7oE    GMT+10       Northern Mariana

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