x servers Re: Linux as an Application Server for GRASS

egm2 at jps.net egm2 at jps.net
Sat Jul 31 02:46:46 EDT 1999

On 31 Jul, Hal Mueller wrote:
  |  Microimages X is a good bet for a free X server for Mac or Windoze 
  |  (www.microimages.com).
  |  X server software is freely available from www.x.org, if you have a Unix box.
  |  ----
  |  Hal Mueller                hal at seanet.com
  |  Seattle, Washington        (206) 297-9574
Yea, and TNTMips is great.  If only I had $10,000 to get the full
version (instead of the free TNTLite). By the way, isn't that MI/X for
the name of the X server? 

Eric G. Miller
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