d.mon can't run under RH6.0?

Der-Johng Sun djsun at gate.sinica.edu.tw
Tue Jun 8 04:19:06 EDT 1999

But I think the major problem what I can't run d.mon is XDRIVER24.
I try compile the XDRIVER24, then I get errors as below.
Thank you for your help.

Der-Johng Sun
djsun at garte.sinica.edu.tw

  make -f OBJ.linux/make.rules

rm -f OBJ.linux/SWITCHER.o
gcc -O2 -m486 -DATT_386 -D_NO_PROTO  -I/usr/X11R6/include
-I/opt/GRASS5.0/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c
SWITCHER.c:45: macro `strcpy' used without args
make: *** [OBJ.linux/SWITCHER.o] Error 1

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