ascii vector format

Moritz Lennert mlennert at
Tue Jun 8 10:46:47 EDT 1999

Hello !

Could someone tell me where I could find a detailed description of the
ascii vector format expects ?

I have ascii format vector files in the following layout:

    8                                                                21001A00
 2254 3493 1 2273 3473 1 2284 3450 1 2308 3464 1 2434 3500 1 2476 3507 1
 2474 3511 1 2430 3654 1
   16                                                                21001A011
 2582 3801 1 2431 3661 1 2431 3653 1 2474 3511 1 2475 3507 1 2507 3520 1
 2537 3528 1 2556 3528 1 2582 3538 2 2610 3567 2 2607 3568 1 2597 3605 1
 2579 3648 1 2577 3680 1 2580 3752 1 2587 3799 1
 2685 1580 1 2714 1656 1 2712 1722 1 2702 1757 1 2666 1813 1 2652 1875 1
 2628 1903 3

Does someone know what format that is exactly (the person who gave them to
me didn't know) ? And how do I have to transform them to be able to run ?


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