Sid images

Luis F. Franco luis.franco at
Fri May 7 06:30:53 EDT 1999

Joe, I haven't tried it yet but there is a port to linux, aix ... etc. in
their site.

Maybe what I was sugesting was something like having a new format in grass
that would create the notion of "image", besides the raster, vector and site
format. Or else, create a abstract layer that would "mask" how that image is
stored (tiff, bmp , sid,...) and develop a interface with the raster
libraries, so it could be drawn in the d.mon monitor.

It could be called "image raster"... You could if you like to take out the
pixels individually but only through the library because the file itself
would be in an image format.

You can take a look at the java component that lizardtech has in their page.
Instead of the viewer that as wavelet kind of look, the image appears one at
a time:

Maybe something like that could be done to interface with the image. The
compression is really amazing...

Luís Franco

-----Original Message-----
From: R. Joe Brandon [mailto:rjoe at]
Sent: Friday, May 07, 1999 2:59 AM
To: grass at
Subject: Re: Sid images


I am not sure exactly how ESRI has it set up, but I am told that it 
allows the Mr.sid wavelet/raster to be layed in the image plane then vectors

can be layed over it.  You are right that the would amount to 
nothing more than a tif image.  Viewer was a bad word for it as they already

ship a stand alone viewer for just viewing the images (I have not checked 
lately to see if there is a Linux port of this).

R. Joe

On Thu, 6 May 1999, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> "R. Joe Brandon" wrote:
> > The bottom line is anyone up to the challenge of building a viewer for
> > GRASS?  Just check out there site and put a query into the contact, I do
> > know as of fall 98 they were interested in having folks develop a viewer
> > for GRASS.
> Joe,
> I have developed an OGDI driver in the past on top of the MrSID API.  The
> API is easy to use.  However, I am not sure what you mean by ``develop
> a viewer for GRASS''.  Do you mean a free standing viewer, distinct from 
> the normal monitor architecture?  Do you mean a command?  I
> think I would be up to a viewer, though if there is an easy way to plug
> additional image formats into the existing viewer, I might be willing to
> do that.  An command kind of misses the primary value of the
> MrSID format. 
> >From what I have seen, Lizardtech put alot of restrictions on the 
> redistribution of their DLLs, but they might be OK with this purpose.  
> Later,
> I set the clouds in motion - turned up | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerda at
> light and sound - activate the windows |
> and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

R. Joe Brandon                                         
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies           (fax) 501 575-5218
Rm. 12 Ozark Hall                                        501 575-4277
University of Arkansas                             rjoe at
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Partially restored ->

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