r.in.hdf compilation on grass5.0beta3:success

ion mateescu imatees at ldeo.columbia.edu
Wed Oct 6 12:11:31 EDT 1999


Version 5 is a major update completely rewritten to address some
shortcomings of previous versions (like inability to work with files > 2GB
and a change in the main sponsors of the program :-). The data model has
been changed. The main HDF-EOS release is still version 4 and major
platforms like Modis and 
Landsat have no plan to change to version 5. So I suggest you don't try to
use version 5 of the library.

Regarding the little_endian issue: the library writes platform independent
files. Because you read the files in through the same interface, the
little_endian - big_endian shouldn't be an issue. I suspect the 2 zoomed
out images from the upper quarters to be "browse" images  - reduced
resolution images, that a user will see before downloading the entire file
if he uses a web interface like EDG. Try compiling with 4.1.3. My guess is
that it will work.

Ion Mateescu
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Columbia University
Rt. 9w
Palisades, NY 10964
Tel: 914 365 8675

On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Stephan Eickschen wrote:

> Hi Markus,
> > 
> > PS: If you get a new HDF-lib, please let me know.
> > 
> The latest HDF-lib is available at
> 	http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/obtain.html
> and the mirror sites (e.g. DLR:
> 	ftp://ftp.dfd.dlr.de/software/hdf/
> DLR is up to v.4.1.2, at NCSA it is 4.1.3 and 5. Seems to me as if there
> are major changes to v.5...
> Regards,
> Stephan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Stephan Eickschen                     Tel. : +49 (0)251 83-34704
> Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet   Fax. : +49 (0)251 83-36100
> Institute for Geophysics
> Research Unit of Physical Glaciology  email: eicksch at uni-muenster.de
> Corrensstrasse 24
> 48149 Muenster
> Germany
> 		http://earth.uni-muenster.de/~eicksch/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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