Different users on the same mapset

Agustin Lobo alobo at ija.csic.es
Fri Oct 15 04:22:02 EDT 1999

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Luca Palmeri wrote:

> Seppo Kaitala wrote:
> > Hi Luca
> >
> > Maybe too trivial, but if you put the data in mapset PERMANENT,
> > different users can access the data.
> >
> > Seppo Kaitala
> Ok, but nobody other than the owner of the PERM data can modify it. The 
> was to find a way for different users to work with (i.e. read and modify) 
the same mapset. 

I disagree. In most cases, it is well as it is: different co-workers can
put their common stuff in PERMANENT, but each one would modify his/her
own mapsets only. Otherwise, it could be a mess, as you could be using
a raster at time t, and then be using  a different raster at time t+1 
without actually knowing it because somebody else had modified it prior
to let you know (and not to tell about the risk of errors, like
having two users giving the same name to two different rasters...). With a 
bit of organization, each one can 
move to PERMANENT the information to be shared, i.e., at the end of the
day and after discusing with the rest of the team.


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