SDTS file conversion

Skip shaak at
Thu Apr 20 12:29:48 EDT 2000

I am having some difficulty converting sdts files to a format GRASS can use. I about every document/e-mail//help file I can find on converting sdts files but have run into a few snags. So far the only workable solution I have found is converting the files using sdts2dxf.exe within winNT. I tried using sdsts2dlg.exe in combination with dlgbld.exe and dosmsf.exe but dlgbld bombs. Sdts2dlg seems to work fine. I could stick with using sdts2dxf but I've run into problems with importing some converted files into GRASS. Oh, I also tried Microdem in winNT but it also bombs.

I'd really like to be able to convert the files within linux. I had hoped to get the DEM data conversion working properly but I can't get the sdts utils to compile. I read the document discussing how to import USGS 7.5min DEM data into GRASS. I downloaded the proper files and followed the procedures for compiling the files. The fips library files compile without a problem; however, when I try to compilie the sdts utilities I get the following error message:

gcc -o demoutdemout.c -Wl,/usr/local/lib/libfips123.a
/usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `main'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [demout] Error 1   

Is there a trick to getting these utilities to compile? What other options are available in linux  to convert sdts files into a format GRASS can use?

This seems to be an ongoing problem with very limited documentation on the GRASS website.


Skip Haak
Natural Resource Solutions
950 Lloyd Center, Suite 48
Portland, OR 97232
Office: (503) 460-3198
Mobile: (503) 998-3267
Facsimile: (503) 460-3230
E-mail: shaak at

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