Compile Prob. CVS co, g3d/showdspf.openGL
Eric G . Miller
egm2 at
Wed Apr 26 03:25:25 EDT 2000
Ran into a little problem compiling the new g3d/raster/showdspf.openGL.
At least here, I needed a compile flag that wasn't in the Gmakefile:
File: grass/src.contrib/GMSL/g3d/src3d/raster/showdspf.openGL/Gmakefile
Added -lGLwM to list of flags for OGLLIB (line 17).
(Mesa Widgets come in two libraries here GLw, GLwM)
Continued compiling without a hitch (now, how does it work??)
Sys Info: Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (potato),
gcc 2.95.2
libc6 2.1.3 (glibc 2.1)
mesa 3.1
Thanks for all the hard work folks!
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