[GRASSLIST:1215] GRASS 5.0 beta9 released 6 December 2000

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Wed Dec 6 14:31:16 EST 2000

GRASS 5.0 beta9 released 6 December 2000

Towards GRASS 5.0 stable the last beta release of GRASS GIS version 5 has
been published. More than 1700 changes, additions and improvements have been
done on the source code since GRASS 5.0 beta8 in July 2000.

The current version is considered as reliable and stable, however a few bugs
are to be done until the GRASS 5.0stable can be released. This is scheduled
for Jan. 2001.

Where to get the new release:
 on the mirrors soon (Australia (local only)| Italy | Japan | Poland | South
  Korea | South Korea | Taiwan | Thailand )

The source are available, selected binaries will be build the next days
(Linux is ready to download).

The general focus of this release is stability and reliability beside
improving the functionality. Major changes are scheduled for GRASS 5.1
(to be started in 2001).

What's new in GRASS 5.0 beta9:

* Improved User's convenience 

  * New graphical startup for existing locations (the full graphical startup
    is scheduled for GRASS 5.1) with error checks (Justin Hickey)

  * Added one line description for "-help" parameter to describe purpose of
    each module (Jan Wagner and others, not yet finished)

Modules fixed/updated (major changes only) 

    d.dm: added raster legend, paint labels, monitor auto start (Radim
    d.extend: added to set window region from currently displayed raster,
          vector and sites maps withlargest map region (Huidae Cho)
    d.his: mask sensitive now (Huidae Cho) d.mon: fixed -L parameter (Eric
          G. Miller)
    d.legend: -n option fixed for null suppression (Huidae Cho) 
    d.pan: auto-redraw for raster, vector, sites maps (Huidae Cho)
    d.rast.edit: fixed grid color menu, now convenient two mouse clicking
          (Huidae Cho) 
    d.rast.pg: added labels with reclass (for float reclass through
          r.mapcalc) (Alex Shevlakov) 
    d.profile: fixed for FP maps, added optional file output (Huidae
          Cho/Eric G. Miller) 
    d.save: fixed (Huidae Cho) 
    d.site.labels: updated, includes d.sites.label now (Eric G . Miller) 
    d.what.rast: added support for multiple raster maps on current window
          (Huidae Cho) 
    d.what.sites: -1 flag and -t flag for terse output added (Andreas Lange) 
    d.what.vect: fixed output to stdout and stderr on redirection (Andreas
    d.zoom: auto-redraw for raster, vector, sites maps (Huidae Cho, Markus
    g.html2man: prepared to build MAN pages from HTML (Michel Wurtz) 
    g.manual: bug fixed, optionally supports HTML browsers now (Huidae Cho) 
    g.region sites= bugfixed (Huidae Cho), added output of ellipsoid and map
           datum in interactive and comandline version (Andreas Lange) 
    g.setproj: preliminary map datum support added (Andreas Lange) 
    i.grey.scale: new parser command line version instead of interactive
           version (Andreas Lange) 
    i.ortho.photo: updated to support FP elevation maps (Huidae Cho) 
    i.smap: fixed to write correct file and on NULL (Roger Miller) 
    m.datum.shift: adapted to new datum library support (Andreas Lange) 
    ps.map: bugfix due to wrong module call (Markus Neteler) 
    r.binfer: bugfixed (David D. Gray) 
    r.random: bugfix and improved (Eric G. Miller) 
    r.flow: fixed floating point exception (Huidae Cho) 
    r.in.bin: many new features and formats supports (Bob Covill) 
    r.in.gdal: added - might become general raster import module, see
            supported formats at GDAL (Frank Warmerdam), support for complex
            SAR images (Stefano Merler)
    r.in.gridatb: added, imports GRIDATB map file (Huidae Cho/Keith Beven) 
    r.in.tiff/r.out.tiff: bugfix, added .tfw support (Eric G. Miller) 
    r.in.utm: bugfix (Andreas Lange) 
    r.hydro.CASC2D: added new flags (Huidae Cho) 
    r.mapcalc: bugfix for map=-129 results in NULL (Huidae Cho), changed
            return value in case of wrong statement (Andreas Lange) 
    r3.mapcalc: bugfix on region error (Jaro Hofierka) 
    r.out.bin: added to export GMT/BIL/... formats (Bob Covill) 
    r.out.gridatb: added, exports GRIDATB map file (Huidae Cho/Keith Beven) 
    r.out.png: fixed for compression of png images created (Andreas Lange) 
    r.patch: -z flag allows additionally to use 0 for transparency instead
           of NULL (Markus  Neteler/Huidae Cho/Alex Shevlakov) 
    r.proj: heavily improved, transforms map portions now (Morten Hulden) 
    r.surf.area: updated to work with FP rasters, skipping NULL cells (Eric
           G. Miller) 
    r.topidx: added, creates topographic index, ln(a/tan(beta)), map from
          elevation map (Huidae Cho/Keith Beven) 
    r.topmodel: added, physically based hydrologic model (Huidae Cho/Keith
    r3.showdspf(.opengl): bugfix on dsp files/mapsets (Beverly Wallace) 
    s.datum.shift: datum shift software (Andreas Lange) 
    s.in.ascii: fixed parsing problem when no category or other attributes 
          are specified (just dimensions) (Eric G. Miller) 
    s.in.atkisdgm: import bugfix (Otto Dassau/Markus Neteler) 
    s.in.atkisktb: added (for German DEM data) (Otto Dassau/Markus Neteler) 
    s.in.mif: added to import MapInfo MIF/MID pair (David D. Gray) 
    s.to.rast: bugfix to convert x, y, double lists properly (Eric G.
    s.to.vect: bugfix to convert x, y, double lists properly (Eric G.
    s.sample: fixed and updated (Eric G. Miller) 
    s.surf.krig: bugfixed and improved (David D. Gray) 
    s.vol.idw: added attribute field selection (Markus Neteler) 
    s.windavg: added, averages an attribute of for all the sites within each
          cell (J. D. McCauley/ Eric G. Miller) 
    v.clean: bugfixed (David D. Gray) 
    v.digit: panning on-the-fly implemented to ease digitizing of long
          vectors, added "Show unlabeled lines" into Window menu, added text
          labelling, modified "Label/UnLabel Multiple Lines" menu to click
          once only to perform (Huidae Cho)
    v.in.mif: added to read MapInfo vector files (David D. Gray) 
    v.in.shape: bugfix for DBF data types and snap distances (David D. Gray) 
    v.mkgrid: cat labels added (Radim Blazek) 
    v.surf.rst: fixed incorrect elevations calculation (Helena Mitasova) 

    tcltkgrass: independent of installed tcl/tk version (Markus Neteler) 
    tcltkgrass: reads configuration for fonts, projections, ellipsoids,
          datums, digitizers etc. on startup from GRASS etc directory, new
          GRASS about window in tcl/tk (Andreas Lange)
    Graphical startup of GRASS for existing locations (Justin Hickey) 
    XDRIVER: new icon with GRASS logo (Andreas Lange) 

        writes image dumps in PPM/SGI/TIFF format now (Bob Covill) 
        auto-redraw (Bob Covill) 
        color bug fixed for surface in lat/long projection (Bob Covill) 
        local configure replaced by global configure (Huidae Cho) 
        updated to tcl/tk8.3 libs (Huidae Cho, Justin Hickey, Eric G Miller) 

Source Code 

        new library "gmath": wrapper to support LAPACK/BLAS routines and to
           provide stable numerical algorithm for GRASS modules (David D.
        datum shift support: new CoordConv library (Andreas Lange) 
        "libgrass": a new GRASS I/O library is under development (Frank
        new G_readsites_xyz() function to read sites (Eric G. Miller) 
        XML output with "--interface-description" parameter (Jan-Oliver
        Simple automatic GUI builder based on GRASS and python (Jan-Oliver

        rewritten "configure.in" for autoconf, updated configure (Eric G.
        GRASS testsuite added: to run on source code with "make check"
           (Andreas Lange) 
        grass5install.sh: heavily updated (Justin Hickey) 
        projections: added false easting/false northing to aea:Albers Equal
            Area projection (Eric G. Miller/Morten Hulden) 
        man pages are generated from HTML pages now (Michel Wurtz) 
        added GRASS_environment variables to control settings (Huidae Cho) 

        running on Mac OS X now (developers) 
        updated to compile on CRAY T3E (Justin Hickey, Markus Neteler, Bill
            Brown, David D. Gray ) 
        improved WINDOWS/NT portability (John Huddleston) 
        compilable on CRAY now (Justin Hickey, Bill Brown, Markus Neteler) 
        multiple architectures supported during compilation from same source
            code (Beverly Wallace, Markus Neteler) 

    Removed code (functionality merged into other modules): 
        d.rast.zoom, d.vect.zoom: replaced by d.zoom 
        r.in.arctiff, r.out.arctiff, r.out.geotiff: replaced by
        m.in.pl94.db3, m.in.stf1.db3 

This list is also available from here:

We hope you enjoy the ongoing development.

In case you want to join the developers team, and/or share algorithm or
ideas with the GRASS community, don't hesitate to contact us!

On behalf of the GRASS Development Team

 Markus Neteler

Dipl.-Geogr. Markus Neteler *  University of Hannover
Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Schneiderberg 50 * D-30167 Hannover * Germany
Tel: ++49-(0)511-762-4494  Fax: -3984

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