[GRASSLIST:1295] Grass 5b10 make clean
Gordon Keith
gordon.keith at marine.csiro.au
Mon Dec 18 19:59:08 EST 2000
I am trying to install Grass 5 beta 10 on an solaris intel box.
I was unable to install from the binaries so I downloaded the source and
tried to build it.
I followed the instructions and did a "./configure" and "make install".
The error.log contained a lot of entries so I decided to "make clean"
and "make all" to try to track down the error messages.
Since make install requires root access I was doing this as root.
Can you image my horror when "make clean" flashed up:
/bin/sh -c "rm -rf /usr/local/bin/ 2>/dev/null ; true"
and proceeded to do the same for a few other important directories such as:
/usr/local/lib, /usr/local/include, /usr/local/man, etc.
Can I suggest (in _*extrememly strong*_ terms) that wiping out the
entire development environment (gcc, make etc) is NOT what most people
mean by make clean.
Please make it a little safer for newbies to play with grass.
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