undefined reference to '__waddbytes'

RAldridge RAldridge at linuxstart.com
Wed Jan 26 09:56:08 EST 2000

Sorry for the double post.  I forgot to include the subject in the last one.

Hello list,

I downloaded Grass via CVS last night.  Three cheers for Markus and Intevation GmbH for setting this up!  I don't know how long it took, but it took a LONG time to download (for some reason, 28.8 was the best connection I could get last night).  Configure ran fine, but when I tried to "make install," I got:

..../src/libes/vask/V_call.c:150: undefined reference to '__waddbytes'
..../src/libes/vask/V_call.c:160: undefined reference to '__waddbytes'
..../src/libes/vask/V_call.c:168: undefined reference to '__waddbytes'
..../src/libes/vask/V_call.c:178: undefined reference to '__waddbytes'
..../src/libes/vask/V_call.c:223: undefined reference to '__waddbytes'
..../src/libes/vask/V_call.c:296: undefined reference to '__waddbytes'

I haven't tried snooping around in the code (I'd probably be lost anyway).
I was wondering if this was a known problem and if anyone had a workaround.


Robert Aldridge

P.S.  I have Grass5.0Beta3 installed, but am having problems with libjpeg.so.??? not being found when I try to use r.tiff.in command.
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