find one vector-file among thousands?

Michel Wurtz - ENGEES/CEREG mw at
Fri Jan 28 10:38:39 EST 2000

Jonny Birkelund wrote:
> hi
> I have some 2000 vectorfiles (small lakes) and wonder if it's possible
> to just point on one of this vectorfiles (something like d.where) to
> get the name of the file?
> d.where just give me the coordinates, but I need to know the name of
> the file, or getting info in the header (mapname etc)

If your vector header are correct, you can use the result of d.where
to find the vector files whoses east, west north and south limits fit
the coordinates returned.

An alternative solution is to merge all vector files (convert them in ascii,
merge and create att and cat files with all the usefull header content,
convert the result in binary and run, so you can use
d.where when displaying the file).

Perl is probably the langage of choice for this kind of repetitive
text processing (loop on filename, etc.)

Michel Wurtz    ENGEES - CEREG
                1, quai Koch - BP 1039, F-67070 STRASBOURG cedex
                Tel: +33  Fax: +33

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