Michel Wurtz - ENGEES/CEREG
mw at engees.u-strasbg.fr
Thu Jun 15 10:44:56 EDT 2000
Xavier GARREAU wrote:
> Hi all !
> I'm a french GRASS4.3 on linux2.2.x user !
> I'd like to know about people who have imported/exported data from/to
> GeoConcept and coded some webapp using grass functionnality (don't send me
> grasslinks url please).
> I've written some very basic awk scripts which work well on sites, vector
> areas and lines import. (3 scripts for the moment)
> I also developped some java/c code which allow the visualization of maps and
> the retrieval of clickable vector areas names.
> All of these aren't yet configurable (must edit the source) but IT WORKS !
> That's just the beginning !
> I think it could be benefic for us all to share our problems and
> solutions ! (I've heard that these two things together are called experience)
> Well, that's why i'm here ;-)
Well, I was just writing the first lines for v.in.gc and v.out.gc
for exchanging vector and point data between Grass and GeoConcept.
So I'm very interested.
BTW, if there is only french peoples that are interested in GéoConcept,
we may continue in private (and in french :-).
Xavier, tu peux me passer un coup de fil vendredi : Nancy n'est pas
trop loin de Strasbourg, on pourrait peut etre developper une passerelle
solide entre Grass et GC ?
Michel Wurtz ENGEES - CEREG
1, quai Koch - BP 1039, F-67070 STRASBOURG cedex
Tel: +33 Fax: +33
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