v.in.shape update[13 Mar 00]

D D Gray ddgray at armadce.demon.co.uk
Mon Mar 13 08:59:27 EST 2000

Hi all,

Updates to v.in.shape and v.in.shape.pg have been uploaded to CVS in




This is a work in development, and though it is not complete,
the following improvements are now available.

o The various parts of a polygon shape are separated into
  their own line segments, which are individual rings, so
  there should now be no spurious linking lines connecting
  the parts.

o Labels are now assigned to a position inside each exterior
  polygon ring but outside all the primary islands. 

o Each record corresponding to an original shape is
  duplicated as many times as there are main polygons

Imports are not yet really useful for editing, but for
display, querying, rasterizing(v.to.rast) it should
now be OK - but - sometimes rings fail to label, for
some reason GRASS sees them as `open' areas.

TODO: Lots, but the first thing is to get the linework
properly imported.

Please test this (but of course don't rely on it), and I would
welcome any comments or bug reports.

(One thing - points file import is probably broken, I've been
unable to test this. I'm working to get this right at the moment)

David D Gray

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