Getting started!

Skip shaak at
Wed Mar 29 22:12:49 EST 2000


I've played around with GRASS a bit (version 4.2.1) but have never really gotten far. Now I'm ready to spend the time to make some significant gains in my knowledge. However, I get stuck before I even get started. I've tried both the Spearfish and GRASS Seeds datasets but I'm lost went the program asks what coordinate system to use. I have no idea, and I cannot find any documentation that provides the coordinate system or coordinates. Am I making this step too difficult or is this a real problem someone can help me get past?

Thanks, Skip

Skip Haak
Natural Resource Solutions
950 Lloyd Center, Suite 48
Portland, OR 97232
Office: (503) 460-3198
Mobile: (503) 998-3267
Facsimile: (503) 460-3230
E-mail: shaak at

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