Native raster SDTS and ?UTM badness?

moored at moored at
Fri May 5 15:39:10 EDT 2000

I'm new to the list, and this may of come up since the mailing list
archive system went out of service, but GRASS needs a straightforward 
way to import SDTS with raster information in it. 

Here's my history:
 I tried to import some 1:250000 dem's from the USGS eros site in 
m.dem.extract but the UTM coordinates were way off. They didn't contain 
the 1:100000 DLG SDTS stuff I got in with I went out and
recalculated what the UTM coordinates should of been and the DLG's were
right on, but the DEM's were far out and completely the wrong scale.  

I tried to ASCII export the DEM's as ascii and put in the right boundary
numbers but coredumps when I try to import it back in. 

So I've got a 1:24000 SDTS raster DEM that I converted to plain old DEM
with a windows utility on another machine, this DEM seems to have the
right UTM coordinates. It's taking ages though for m.rot90 to rotate it
though, so far a half hour on this p233 RedHat 6.2 linux box. It's
chugging away though the pairs though. 

Is there anyway I can convert the SDTS to DEM on linux? It would take me a
year to convert all the DEM's by hand on Windows. This seems like a great
job for a Perl script.

 -------===Dustin Moore===---------

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