[GRASSLIST:1163] Re: trouble with g.select.pg

Eric G . Miller egm2 at jps.net
Mon Nov 20 23:28:27 EST 2000


I've modified all the *.pg commands to accept the case where PG_HOST
does not exist.  This should alleviate some of the problems.

Note: The postgres/GRASS scenario is really only viable when:
  1.  postgres is running locally and accepts connections from
      localhost based on "trust".
  2.  postgres is running remotely and accepts connections from
      remote hosts based on ident "trust".  This is a fairly insecure
  3.  ??? Kerberos ??? (not sure how that works).

There's no mechanism in GRASS for storing a username/password pair in a
"secured" file (that is, a file read/writeable *only* by the user that
owns it).  The ~/.grass5rc file must be readable by others if you allow
access to a dataset.  Whoa, just noticed .grass5rc is "rw" for anybody!
This is not a good thing (I'll check into it ... Changing it to
-rw-rw-r-- seems to work okay).

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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