[GRASSLIST:1070] s.geom problems......

Horacio hsamanie at bio.puc.cl
Thu Oct 26 16:01:17 EDT 2000

I have sent this already, but don't know if it went through... here is
it again...

Grass users....

I have to create the most parsimonious
species range polygon  out of sites where the species have beeen
observed/sensed and thought that s.geom w/ the delaunay option will do
Whenever run the program with precision > 0  I get the following error:


GRASS:~ > s.geom input=WPHantaOct output=HAntaDEL2 precision=1
Reading sites map (WPHantaOct) ...
Found 38 sites ...
SoS: matrix[38,5] @ 8 Lia digits; lia_length (16); 0.008 Mb.

Removing duplicate vertices ...
siMarkDeletedDuplicates: 15 duplicate sites marked.

NOTE: long integer coordinates used for comparison. due to roundoff
      two sites may have identical coordinates, although in the
      input data they don't.
siRemoveDuplicates: 15 duplicate sites removed.

Plane Sweep:   completed, cpu used 0.000000.

Lawson Flip:  quInsert: SORRY, I'M FULL.

I checked the memory of the machine and it seems to have plenty of
space... plus I'm using only 38 sites!! Could someone tell me what I'm
doing wrong? It looks like it is doing the calculations but can't write
the output to the disk!

I will appreciate your help,
Best regards,

Horacio Samaniego
Dep. Ecologia
P. Universidad Catolica
Alameda 340
Santiago, Chile

Fono:  (56 2)686 2950
Fax:   (56 2)686 2621
Email: hsamanie at bio.puc.cl


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