[GRASSLIST:1692] g.region

Gail Higginbottom ghigginb at physics.adelaide.edu.au
Tue Apr 3 07:28:24 EDT 2001

Dear grass members,

I seem to be successfully importing reems of OS data via r.in.ntf,
however, after running g.region and then r.in.ntf I get the following
message in the r.in.ntf output window

NOTE: Some or all of the input data falls outside both the
      CURRENT and DEFAULT regions.  The output map contains all
      the data, but you must change the current region to use
      it.  You may also wish to ask the owner of the location to
      change the default region.

My question is, "is this a standard note"?  I am not sure that I
understand how to change the current region to use all the data?

Am I missing the point?!

Please help if you can.

best wishes,

 Gail Higginbottom,
Centre for European Studies and General Linguistics,
University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, South Australia,
Australia. 5005.
Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics

ghigginb at physics.adelaide.edu.au


(08) 8303:6440

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