[GRASSLIST:1693] Re: g.region

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Tue Apr 3 07:41:12 EDT 2001

On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 08:58:24PM +0930, Gail Higginbottom wrote:
> Dear grass members,
> I seem to be successfully importing reems of OS data via r.in.ntf,
> however, after running g.region and then r.in.ntf I get the following
> message in the r.in.ntf output window
> NOTE: Some or all of the input data falls outside both the
>       CURRENT and DEFAULT regions.  The output map contains all
>       the data, but you must change the current region to use
>       it.  You may also wish to ask the owner of the location to
>       change the default region.
> My question is, "is this a standard note"?  I am not sure that I
> understand how to change the current region to use all the data?
> Am I missing the point?!
> Please help if you can.

Don't know anything about r.in.ntf, but "g.region rast=<name>" should
set the region to match the data...

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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