[GRASSLIST:1716] not grass specfic; USA locations only; conversion of township range section FEL FNL to utm (or ll)?

Bob Sandefur rls at pincock.com
Mon Apr 9 09:43:53 EDT 2001


 does  anyone know of piublic program or urls to convert from the USA PLSS (township range section (fractional sections) feet from eastline (fel)
and feet from north line (FNL)) to utm or whatever?

so far I've found:

at  http://www.cnde.iastate.edu/staff/swormley/maps/utm.html   trs2ll seems to do what I want but is may be not very accurate (its based on 100K dlgs)

at http://lm0500.blm.gov/ one can find al lot of raw data.


Robert L Sandefur
Principal Geostatistician
Pincock Allen & Holt (A Hart Crowser Company)
 International Minerals Consultants
 274 Union Suite 200
 Lakewood CO 80228
 303 914-4467  v
 303 987-8907 f

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